[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]How the Bible came to us: The course skillfully tells the story of how the Bible came to be, why some writings were accepted as part of the Bible, while others were not. It will explain the different processes involved in translating the Bible from Aramaic/Hebrew to Greek, Latin, and English language versions- a process whose details still affect our Bibles today. Students will become aware of the stories of the people who made it possible for us to have the Bible in our various languages. They will be exposed to the exciting adventures of the book that had changed the world and is still changing people’s lives today.

Introduction to the Bible: This course introduces students to the content of the Bible and the methods of study. Students will learn about the different periods in which various biblical books were written and how the individual writings came together to form a single book. Students will appreciate what the biblical writers were trying to accomplish through their writings. This search will present us with a deeper understanding of the word, the place of humanity therein, and the alternative ways that human beings have experienced and made sense of the word.

Survey of the Scriptures: This course is designed for students to study God’s voice throughout the Old and New Testaments. Through a systematic study of the Bible, students will become better equipped to understand the whole message of the Bible, each book of the Bible, and the major sections of the canon. By so doing, students will understand the major events, places, and eternal themes of the OT and the NT. The course will broaden and widen students’ understanding of the Bible as a single story.

Bible and Social Impact: Although the Bible itself gives the keys to its understanding, students will realize that the Bible is the world’s most popular and most misunderstood book!!! In this course, students will be led to discover that Christianity is more than private belief and personal salvation but a comprehensive life system that answers all of humanity’s age-old questions by its personal, community, and cross-cultural impact. Hence students will be guided to understand, live, and ultimately carry the life-giving messages of the Bible to their communities.

Introduction to Christian Education & Family Life: The course introduces students to the field of Christian education and its foundations in the two primary areas of Christian theology and Christian education. The connection existing between Christian education and family life is brilliantly presented.

Missions and Evangelism: The course carefully examines various missions and evangelism curricula and adopts workable strategies with the students to assist their Churches/Ministries in affecting the local and international communities in which they serve.

Christian Counseling: This is a faith-based, professional guidance of brethren using appropriate psychological methods and biblical precepts to resolve family, career, marriage, and relationship challenges.

Biblical Hermeneutics: It's the study of the methodological principles of interpreting the books of the Bible especially the scriptural texts. It’s a strand of the broader field of hermeneutics which deals with both the art and theory of understanding and interpreting linguistics and non-linguistic expressions of texts.

Introduction to Church/Christian History: Combining scholarly works of history and geography together, this course will call students attention to landmark events and places in Christianity. It will also recall the contributions of various leaders, intellectuals, philosophers, and martyrs who have shaped the course of Christian faith through the centuries. Specifically, exploration of the major epochs in Church history from the apostolic to the modern period will be made.

Christian Communications & Leadership: This course aims at helping students develop a positive, constructive, and practical approach to effective written and oral communication for educational and self-improvement in all life endeavors but particularly in ministry and spirituality. It is intended to encourage, build students confidence and assist them to improve their writing and speaking skills.

Advanced Church/Christian History: Continuing on the foundation laid at the introductory level, this course will further explore the six major periods of Church history starting from the apostolic age, persecution, imperial, medieval, reformed era to the present modern age. It highlighted the growth of sectarian and heretical movements promoted by early Church leaders and scholars and how this indirectly helped to shape the course of Christianity through the crafting of strong doctrines, cannons, and teachings that had withstood the test of all time.

Homiletic: This course introduces students to the art and science of preparing and delivering impactful sermon or message that will help them to develop as effective minister.

Apologetics: is the rational basis for the defense and establishment of Christian faith and students will be equipped through theoretical and practical works to become scholarly apologists for Jesus Christ.

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